Audio Encoders/Decoders (archive 44)

Audio encoding and decoding software

WMAConvert- Remove DRM from WMA

WMAConvert- Remove DRM from WMA

WMAConvert easily convert DRM protected music files and various audio files to unprotected MP3, CD, iPod and other MP3 player file formats at high speed and CD quality- legally.

The Hard Drive Mechanic Gold

The Hard Drive Mechanic Gold

Fast hard drive crash recovery that anyone can use. The Hard Drive Mechanic restores your hard drive to working condition from virtually ANY catastrophic situation. Accidental dele ...

Daniusoft Audio Converter

Daniusoft Audio Converter

Daniusoft Audio Converter is an all-in-one and fast audio converter software. It can Convert M4A to MP3 Audio, AAC to MP3, MP3 to WAV or other popular audio formats between MP3, AA ...

Soundtaxi - Strip DRM protection

Soundtaxi - Strip DRM protection

Easily convert music files and various audio files to MP3, CD, iPod and other MP3 player file formats at 40x playback speed and CD quality.

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