Calculators & Converters (archive 72)

Calculator and converting software

ESBUnitConv Pro

ESBUnitConv Pro

Unit Conversion Software for Windows to easily convert between 938 units of measurement. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Accelerat ...

DigS : Digit Sum

DigS : Digit Sum

Lists all numbers with given Sum Of Digits .Also find the sum of digits of a number of your choice.Option to save the list to text file.

Smart Math Calculator

Smart Math Calculator

A convenient calculator that makes it incredibly easy to do all your calculations in one place. The beautiful user-interface is specifically designed to reduce the amount of time n ...

Precise Calculator

Precise Calculator

Precise Calculator has more than 150 mathematical functions which can return as many digits as you need. It can calculate with integers, real numbers, complex numbers, fractions, v ...

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