Office Suites & Tools (archive 103)

Office suites related software

Fabreasy PDF Creator

Fabreasy PDF Creator

A mere click of a button is all it takes for Fabreasy to create PDF file while adding your letterhead template, ready to be send by e-mail. Adjusting your letterhead is easy in our ...



HistogramPlus is aimed at giving to the data analyst the ultimate Swiss knife for creating Excel histograms from data and interactively analyzing them in depth. It features 4 norma ...

RealTimeToExcel Standard

RealTimeToExcel Standard

RealTimeToExcel updates stock and option data from Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, and MSN Money in Excel. You may use regular Excel formulas to get stock and option quotes, funda ...

ConceptDraw OFFICE

ConceptDraw OFFICE

ConceptDraw Office is a comprehensive suite of business productivity tools, comprised of: Process, Brainstorming and Thought Organization Project and Resource Management Business D ...

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