Screen Savers (archive 845)

Screen savers and screen saver software

Assorted Scenes And Scriptures

Assorted Scenes And Scriptures

Screen saver with 20 sunsets, animals, flowers, mountains, & other nature scenes that can be stretched for wide screens. Over 100 transitions & Christian music included. Scriptures ...

Lightspeed Screen Saver

Lightspeed Screen Saver

A cool 3d starfield screen saver for Windows. With up to 32000 stars and a unique "key frame" animation system, immersive virtual worlds are blasted to your screen with unprecedent ...

North American Animals Screensaver

North American Animals Screensaver

North America has many different types of habitats that wildlife need to survive, such as many types of wetlands. Different animal species originating in North America

Animated Valentines Screensaver

Animated Valentines Screensaver

This free screensaver consists of many nicely-rendered hearts transpiring and fading out along a heart-shaped trajectory. In addition, you can make a pleasant surprise for a loved ...

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