Components & Libraries (archive 24)

Programming components and libraries



ExplorerBarXP™ is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the ExplorerBar control found in Microsoft Windows XP. An explorer bar provides a way to display multiple commands or ...

Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP

Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP

Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP creates any number of virtual serial ports in your system and connects them into pairs via virtual null modem cable. You can create as many vi ...

Eltima Java/SWING Components

Eltima Java/SWING Components

Eltima Java/SWING Components add a wide range of new styles to the standard set of visual components library to make your software look different. The newest feature is Table Navig ...

Easy Compression Library

Easy Compression Library

With Easy Compression Library you can add advanced compression and encryption functionality to your projects. Key Features: Advanced compression algorithms, Compression on-the-fly ...

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