Delphi (archive 11)

Delphy programming software

TMS Advanced Charts

TMS Advanced Charts

TAdvChartView : fast multi-pane chart component,configurable grid & bands,support for annotations & legend. TAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane chart component, anti-aliase ...

Visual Pascal

Visual Pascal

Small tool for Delphi and Pascal programmers. By a several clicks you get a large amount of code in the Pascal programming language. Keyboard is needed for typing names only.

TMS Logging

TMS Logging

Compact cross-platform logging framework offering informative log output to a flexible number of targets with a minimum amount of code.

TWIAScan component

TWIAScan component

WIA based scanning component for Delphi 6 and 7. This component was made for legacy Delphi versions (D5-D7) to provide scanning interface for contemporary hardware.

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