Accept reject track changes word

Accept Reject Track Changes Word

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Accept Reject Track Changes Word is a tool that can accept & reject track changes in 100's of word files within seconds. The software is capable of handling the bulk of word files in one go. It supports word files of all formats like.Doc,Doc, .dotx, .docx, .dotm, .docx, etc. The software is very quick and precise in the task of accepting and rejecting track changes. It's a user-friendly tool that saves a huge amount of time & effort of the user.

The tool Accept Reject Track Changes Word software is very easy to operate. It was designed keeping in mind its utilization in daily office work.
The tool works in just three clicks of the mouse.
1. First, in that, is choosing the files and dumping them,
2. Second is to choose the option according to the need of the user.
3. At last click on Start to initiate the process.
4. Later on, you can save the files in a target folder. So you can see how easy it is to operate this tool.

This software Accept Reject Track Changes Word can work e

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