Ad manager script

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Ad Manager Script is designed to make advertising very easy for everyone who has the needs to display ads on their websites! A fully integrated PayPal system, which works across multiple domains, with ads of multiple sizes, prices & durations.
Once you have Ad Manager Script setup, It’s Simply Brilliant!

- Manage Your Ads.
- Campaign Management.
- Paypal Intergrated Payments.
- Auto Expirations.
- Users can Extend their Ad Listing.
- Sell your Ads on Multiple Websites, Multiple Domains.
- Sell Ads of Different Sizes.
- Sell Ads of Mutliple Prices.
- Sell Ads of Multiple Durations.
- Sell your Ads for a Daily Rates AND Bulk Pricing!

- Bulk Pricing enabled
For Example:
$5 for 7 days
$9 for 14 days
$20 for 30 days

- Users can see when their Ads are about to expire and extend them.
- Users can edit their Ads using their own specified password.
- No User Logins Required.
- Secure Admin Panel.
- Admin can quickly create new Ad Campaigns and Adverts from the Admin Panel.
- Only PHP C

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