Assetmanage asset tracking software

AssetManage Asset Tracking Software

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Use AssetManage to track where your assets are, what condition they are in, and who they are currently assigned to. AssetManage keeps track of expenses related to an asset, creates inventories for multiple locations, and lets you attach images, documents and hyperlinks to each asset. AssetManage can work with a Microsoft Access database file, or with any ODBC-compatible database, including SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle.

Track all your IT assets, vehicles, furniture, tools and other equipment..determine what department or person they're assigned to. You can search for text in any field in the inventory database. You can even search within the free-form notes fields. Scan and print barcode labels directly from the program. The 2010 version lets you link (or Kit) multiple assets to one parent asset.

Track all of your leases, warranties, and service agreements, as well as asset maintenance and repair history. By attaching all of these documents to the asset description, you ensure tha

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