Auto control

Auto Control

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Are you away and can't control your computer at the moment? With Auto Control you can do many operations to your computer while you are away such as: Shutdown, Restart, Hibernate, Standby, Log off ...etc by using 3 methods, Alarm mode, Countdown mode and Listening mode that allows you to control using a web page, you can access it anywhere at any time using computer or cell phone.

Auto Control main features:
- Use Alarm mode to get an action done in a specific time.
- Use Countdown mode to execute action after a period of time.
- Use Listen to Action mode to control your computer anywhere at any time.
- Use Listen to Action mode to control many sets of computers with few clicks.
- Control your computer once it starts with Windows startup.
- Get confirmation email once an action is done.
- Friendly user interface.
- Great tool with small size.

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