Bluo cms

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Bluo is the most intuitive CMS (Content Management System) that a web agency can implement for their customers. Bluo is perfect for small business websites and is really easy to use and to implement. The value of Bluo is in its intuitiveness. With Bluo, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing.

The real value to the customer does not come from hundreds of features that she can't or won't ever use. Real value comes from making it really simple for your customers to use some great power features that get the job done. That's exactly what Bluo delivers.
Bluo allows small business owners manage their entire site, send newsletters or change their web site design in seconds. The Bluo Design API only contains a few functions that you can master very quickly. That's why with Bluo you can have a website ready in just ONE DAY.

It's main features:
- easy webpage creation/movement/deleting (you can get all the job done with just 3 clicks)
- automatically generated menu
- basic n

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