Chain letters

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Whoever said that working for the IRS is like pulling teeth was wrong - it's surprisingly fun!

The IRS have a new plan to make more money out of the poor working classes - they are going to tax all the words in the dictionary! And they're willing to pay you to help find all the words!

Chain Letters lets you take control of the IRS' new word taxation department. You must find words in the jumbled letters, and string together one after another to score points and earn your money.

Four Great Game Modes!
Chain Letters has four great game modes to keep you amused for hours on end:

Career Mode
Climb the IRS career ladder and earn yourself a shiny new office with lavish decorations. Can you complete all 50 goals the IRS set for you?

Speed Mode
How fast can you make words in this exciting game mode. The clock is ticking and the lock-downs are coming thick and fast.
Warning: Not for the faint-hearted

Master Mode
Do you have the logical genius required to complete master mode? It soun