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Count down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until Christmas Day with the Christmas Countdown screensaver for Windows and Mac. The flip-clock style countdown, with a waving Santa Claus just behind it, stands in the middle of a cozy room with a Christmas tree, a burning fireplace, two elves, a steaming Christmas dinner, and a window looking out on a snowman, Rudolph the reindeer and snow falling outside. Once Christmas arrives, Santa waves a 'Merry Christmas' banner and the elves inspect the food and presents. The scene returns to normal, and the countdown starts over, on January 1st.
This colorful screensaver comes with an installer and uninstaller, can be previewed before installation, and does not contain any advertising or malware.
The screensaves generates an endless variety of mesmerizing abstract images with 32bit color depth fading one to another in amazing vertigo of flying objects. A combination of pow ...
Die Sonne ist der auffaelligste Himmelskoerper unseres Sonnensystems. Sie ist der groeesste Koerper mit 98% der gesamten Masse. Einhundertundneun Erden waeren noetig, die Oberflaec ...
Enjoy the holidays anytime with our free animated 12 Days Of Christmas screensaver. Watch the snow steadily fall and the tree top star twinkle and dance as the christmas music play ...
Download the Free Ultimate Christmas Scenic Reflections Christmas Screensaver from The free Christmas Scenic Reflections Screensaver displays 80 magnificent ...
Count down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until Christmas Day with the Christmas Countdown screensaver for Windows and Mac with a flip-clock style countdown, a waving Santa C ...