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Free Cinepan Player gently rotates high-resolution, artistic panoramas on your screen in real-time, giving you a feeling of immersion, bringing you into the moving and rotating image.
Unlike a still image, moving panoramas feel more like a video camera panning while giving you a 'you are there' feeling. High-resolution, colorful panoramas slowly reveal on your desktop in Virtual Reality that feels more like 3 dimensions.
CInepan Player is free! Just download it and run it as a standalone program or as a screensaver. You can then download more Cinepan Panoramas, or create your own Cinepan Panoramas from your own panorama images.
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Corporate Awards Screensaver. Easy To Install/Uninstall. Great Pictures Of Corporate Awards.
Soccer Trophies Screensaver. Easy To Install/Uninstall. Great Pictures Of Corporate Awards.
Corporate Plaques Screensaver. Easy To Install/Uninstall. Great Pictures Of Corporate Awards.