Coin catalog pro

Coin Catalog Pro

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Organize and Analyze Your Coin Investments with Power and Ease!

Collecting coins is a tremendously popular hobby and also a serious investment strategy for some people. However, to make key decisions in purchasing and selling coins, one really needs to better understand their rare and unique coin portfolio.

Until now this often involved keeping a catalog of detailed notes in a personal collecting notebook, or saving coin information into a standard Excel spreadsheet. While better than nothing, these types of solutions are often cumbersome, tedious, and do not let the collector fully understand their coin portfolio data.

Online coin collection databases exist, but inputting your personal coin investment information online has its limitations - for one, you must always be connected to the internet. Internet based software can be slow and clunky, and you often must pay a fee to have your data hosted. By nature, your coin information in an internet database is no longer truly secure

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