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Structures Office L.L.C. is a new company, with the objective of offering high quality structural analysis tools, at low cost, which integrate well with commonly used engineering tools such as Excel and Matlab.

In Release 1.1, Structures Office supports construction of arbitrary compact cross-sections, computes area, elastic, and plastic section properties. Performs elastic and plastic bending analysis. Plastic analysis is performed by a numerical method, as well as Cozzone's method.

The program can be run stand-alone, or may be embedded inside of Excel, where it can be driven with VBA to greatly extend Excel spreadsheet analysis. It may also be used with any tool which can communicate through COM, this includes MATLAB, MATHCAD, Active Perl, ActivePython.

Geometry is defined with Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS). Written entirely in C++, it offers excellent performance, and works with advanced graphics cards.

Training is provided through a set of on-line very deta