Debt reduction

Debt Reduction

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Debt settlement is not for those who have the luxuries of choosing from various debt programs. It is for those with dire hardship who would rather not file bankruptcy.

Debt settlement is not for those who simply want to "save a buck" on paying their debts. It is not mean for those who simply want to save money after a shopping spree. It is not a program designed to "stick it to" the big corporations either. When real hardship does not exist, creditors are not much likely to settle and much more likely to take legal action against the person simply seeking an easy exit from their financial situation.

Debt settlement is an alternative to filing bankruptcy. It is a way to move forward for people whose financial situation is such that even if they dedicate all they have to paying their bills they cannot move ahead or even continue to move backwards. It is for people who skip meals or are late on rent to pay a credit card bill minimum payment. It is for those who have to use one credit ca

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