Df web-traffic shop

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Software for buying and selling web-traffic of various properties, countries and categories.
While purchasing of the traffic the system analyzes incoming traffic, divides the traffic by a number of parameters and detecting cheat. If the traffic is accepted by system, he is bought, otherwise he comes back to the seller. Process of the traffic purchase is automated as much as possible: sellers can be registered independently in system and even can choose type of the sold traffic (change the tariff).
While saling of the traffic the system estimates and distributes the web traffic between buyers. The system divides, incoming for sale traffic by a number of parameters and distributes it between buyers depending on distribution schemes and priorities of buyers.
System has high performance (written in C++), reliable and has the minimal system requirements: NOT used MySQL, Perl, PHP, cron, etc.
Detailed division of the bought traffic into groups: (Country, Uniq, Proxy, Cheat, SE Bots, Refer