Domain name pro

Domain Name Pro

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Find the ultimate popular domain name using the powerful brainstorming features of a built-in automatic thesaurus, search engine popularity database with 500,000 terms, link popularity search, an advanced word search with word groups allowing mutually exclusive domain name parts and custom positioning and optional/mandatory settings, and an advanced pattern search with 6 wildcards and optional and alternative domain name parts.

For a simple word search for a domain name such as "home loan" with all options enabled Domain Name Pro can automatically generate and check almost 500 related domain names in less than a minute! Some example domain names generated include "homeloan", "equityhomeloan", "homeloancalculator", "homecredit", "houseloan" and many more, each checked in the domains selected (from a list of more than 500 including .com, .biz, .info, and .us).

Domain Name Pro also includes automatic acronyms, and Net Speak(tm), a feature that generates alternative spellings to domain n

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