Eltima swf to fla converter for macos

Eltima SWF to FLA Converter for MacOS

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Eltima SWF to FLA Converter for Mac OS is the only Flash software on the net for Mac OS users, that lets Flash designers convert SWF files back into FLA format in a few mouse clicks. It presents user with an arsenal of profound algorithms to extract all Flash objects from SWF file. Extracted objects can be edited in native Flash environment, which is very convenient when working with Flash. Every group of objects such as morphs, shapes, texts, fonts, motions, sounds, ActionScripts, etc. could be placed in separate FLA library groups, which makes it easier to use and view the resulting FLA file. Every FLA library can be saved into a different folder under a specified name. Additionally, you can customize FLA file workspace by enabling/disabling guides, grids, rulers; specify guides accuracy and so on. To make sure that masks layers are working properly, every morph or shape can be placed on different layers. Forgotten passwords to your SWF file are not a problem any longer with SWF to F

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