Endpoint protector basic

Endpoint Protector Basic

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To protect your PC, we recommend to use Endpoint Protector Basic to monitor and control ports and interfaces such as USB, FireWire, card reader, CD / DVD, etc on your PC. This will protect them against unwanted use of portable storage devices like USB sticks, SD cards or portable hard drives to prevent data theft or data leaks. The best companion for your application firewall, Endpoint Protector Basic is designed to protect your computer’s endpoints acting as a USB firewall. Endpoint Protector Basic installs on your PC and helps you manage your USB device fleet and also to control what devices are authorized to connect to your computer. With its ability to uniquely identify devices you can be sure that you are in control, no 3rd party can use your USB ports to copy data from your computer or to place potential malicious files on it. Gain full control over your laptop’s endpoint devices, everywhere you are: at the office, on the road or in an airport. All portable storage devices such a

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