Exploring yoga in 3d

Exploring Yoga in 3D

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Exploring Yoga in 3D' is a fully interactive introduction to yoga. The journey takes you to several temples on an enchanted island to learn. Navigate via map of the island to visit each temple at any time to review poses. History and benefits of yoga, proper breathing techniques, related concepts and basic poses/movements are covered.
Differences between versions:
All versions - interactive island map, history, chant, chakra, audio & text info, interactive or auto-play mode, etc. plus...
Free Download (Lite) -
16 animated poses, no rotation or music, ever-changing internet-enabled inspirational message on exit, registration web pop-ups at begining and when trying to access pose unlocked by registered version.
Registered Download (Lite) $5 -
adds 11 more poses (27 total) plus meditation.
*CD-ROM (available for broadband download) - adds 6 more poses (33 total), pose rotation even during animation, higher-quality digital audio instruction and background music, extra animation etc. Mu