Ezy loan calculator

Ezy Loan Calculator

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Download very user friendly Loan Amortizer. It has the following features `extra payments, skipped payments, late payments, lump sum payments, graphs, interest rate change, country compounding, and much more`. Version 3.2 highlights: 3 comparative loan amortization columns. Supports different countries, compounding methods. New payments can be inserted in the history payments table. Payments or interest can be updated in the history payments table. Supports Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual compounding. Supports Begin of Period or End of Period payments. The repayment table compares loan amount & interest. Pie, Bar, Line and Area charts. Save and retrieves data on a file. Exports data to HTML, CSV file. Preview & Print data. Leave any of the four fields blank the system will calculate it as the unknown (Loan Amount, Period, Interest Rate & Payment). Free 30 days trial download. Free version upgrades. Free product support

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