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The FileMonkey file operations package automates common file management tasks. Main features include: Perform search and replace on multiple file contents, names or folder names using wildcards such as asterisk. Rename files or folders to match a sequence or crop names. Copy or move files. Split, join, or merge. Change attributes of directories. Convert file or directory names to uppercase, lowercase or propercase. Find keywords inside files using the local search engine. Create batch jobs and add strings to file names. Append data to the start or end of file contents. Encrypt and decrypt. Edit last accessed, created and modified date and time stamps. Increase or decrease date and time stamps. Extract text from within files. Trim (truncate) file and folder names and file contents. Wipe free space and erase files. List or delete duplicate files. Filter, sort and print by size, dates, and pattern. All operations can now recurse sub-folders and are protected by the recycle bin.

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