Forex robovore 2.0

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Forex Robovore has been written from the ground up for Trading, not for customer perceived desires down.....
It does not trade with 90% plus profitable Trades, and does not look to scalp a few pips from the market with each Trade. It does not use excessive stops that will wipe your account (or as one recent system was found no stop at all...!). it is not geared to make a little money over a 2 Month guarantee period and then falter and Fail.
It is a trading philosophy. It is a FOR LIFE system, if you have the patience and desire to make it work.
ROBOVORE Concentrates on what Counts......
Entry Biased Towards 'Swing' Trading
Consisting of two Modified Oscillators, with standard deviation Price Action based Real-time entry trigger.
Unique 'Per Trade' Initial Stop Placement
Based on recent Donchian Price activity (plus an Average true Range based noise buffer). Compensates for volatility.
Automated Money Management
% risked, variable lotsize, ba

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