Free avchd to wmv converter

Free AVCHD to WMV Converter

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The first thing that users look for in a media player is compatibility with a number of formats. There are several file types which support most of the portable devices and one of them is WMV. If users wish to view their camcorder recordings on such platforms without having to compromise on the quality, the Free AVCHD to WMV Converter is the answer. Apart from the fact that it is free, is can be played on various players and mobile phones too. Therefore, it can come across as a very handy app for most users. There are a number of interesting features of this freeware which make it one of the better known products. The quality of the WMV files is high. Even though the AVCHD format is used for HD viewing, there is no loss in the same during the conversion. It is free from any malware and that makes the download of the Free AVCHD to WMV Converter absolutely safe. It does not hamper the performance of the system in any way. It comes with a host of functions that can be used with just a few