Free avi to 3gp converter

Free AVI to 3GP Converter

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The Free AVI to 3GP Converter is a very handy tool when one needs to convert AVI files to 3GP. While AVI is a very commonly used format, it was developed for specific platforms and as such, it does not work on all mobile devices. For videos to be played on all mobile devices, 3GP is the format to convert files to. So, all those users who wish to carry their videos with them will find this software very useful. The Free AVI to 3GP Converter has no hidden charges. There are also no mandatory updates and/or subscriptions that users need to sign up for. The interface is so simple that even those who are not familiar with computers and software can comprehend it. The download and installation process does not take up much time because the tool is clean without any malware. Once this is accomplished, users need to select which files they wish to convert using the ‘browse’ option and then click on ‘add files’ to begin the process. With this completed, users need to select exactly which files