Free docx to txt converter

Free DocX to TXT Converter

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Docx is the MS Word 2007 version which is not compatible with most systems. TXT is a file type which supports plain text and does not have any formatting features. If the former needs to be converted to the latter, the Free Docx to TXT Converter is an ideal choice. It is a tool that has a host of features and is one of the better known products from amongst the lot. Right from the ease of use to the quality of the resultant files, there are a number of benefits which users can make the most of. It supports Doc and Docx formats and is a complete tool. Anyone who has a PC or laptop that runs on Windows OS, notwithstanding the version, can download this software without any glitches. It is clean and the absence of any viruses makes it very secure. The speed and performance of the system are not affected after it is downloaded and it requires only a low to moderate amount of system resources. The Free Docx to TXT Converter has a command line as well for the convenience of the users. It sup