Free flv watermarker

Free FLV Watermarker

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FLV Watermarker by FLV Hosting
You spend time compiling a video for web display and submitting to various video sites. How would someone know that it is YOUR video and not anyone's else? With FLV WaterMarker, you can stamp any FLV file with this nice little piece of software with your company brand name or anything you wish!
This software will pay for itself over and over

Why you order this software?
To copyright your video files and protect from misuse. Even if it is misused people will know it is your video. Personalize your video files.

Can I watermark unlimited files for unlimited sites? Any licensing issues?

Ans: You can watermark any number of files for any number of sites once you buy the software. The software is subject to copyright, and therefore cannot be resold.