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HDPOSsmart is a state of the art software that is designed to automate retail billing counters and point of sale terminals. It is especially good at handling inventory and financial accounting besides billing activities. This is a feature reach application that can used in variety of retail outlets like grocery store, garment stores, shoe shops, coffee shops, restaurants, bookstores, gift shops to name a few.

HDPOS smart also handles servicing and repairing centers by keeping all information about the gadget submitted by the customer and managing the workflow.

The features of HDPOS smart are not limited only to retail outlets but it can also provide a rich functionality list to manufacturers by maintaining bill of materials, make plans, manufacturing cost estimates.

HDPOS smart can be used all type of business setups starting from small one store locations to large businesses with multiple stores and multiple departments. To support this, HDPOS smart offers stock transfers from o

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