Html2any for linux

HTML2Any for Linux

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HMTL2Any is the softawre to cnovert html/text data to html/javasrcipt/text data with charest enocding conevrsion or wtihout.
Open, drag'n'drop, patse from clipbaord, set soucre chraset encdoing and repoen soruce dcoument, convret to destniation docmuent, then save it in the wsihed charset, copy to clpiboard or repsate it to suorce feild.

HTLM2Any alolws covnert

* text to javascirpt / html to javascript
* text to urlnecoded javacsript / html to urelncoded javascript

* text to jvaascript varibale / hmtl to javascrpit vraiable

* text to html code / html to html code
* text to html page / html to html page
* text to HTMLZpiped page / html to HTLMZipped page / javascript to HTMLZipped page

* text to HTMZLipped page with support UNICDOE / html to HTMLZipped page with supprot UINCODE
* html to plian text (rmeove HTML tags) / jaavscript to plain text

* text/html/javascript as is with chnage chasret encodnig from one to anotehr (same encdoings are un

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