Ies/ese 2017-18 general study materials

IES/ESE 2017-18 general study materials

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Indian Engineering Services (IES) the engineering services that meet the technical and managerial functions of the Government of India. Indian Engineering Services Examination (IES) also called Engineering Services Exam (ESE) is conducted by UPSC, India every year. It is conducted for the recruitment to the engineering. UPSC is quite unpredictable. You can't make any presumption that everything in the question paper will be exactly from what is given in the syllabus.
To study and prepare for such level exams, applicants have to have the best practice material. Find one of the best study material, previous years (past) papers, sample questions, preparation tips and more for IES 2017-18 from pioneer coaching institute Engineers Institute of India.
IES Exam Pattern
The ESE Syllabus, IES Exam pattern, and Exam scheme. The examination process includes the prelims (General Studies) and Main (Technical Knowledge).
General Ability Test is subdivided into two groups i.e. General knowledge and E