Inchpro decimal

InchPro Decimal

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InchPro Decimal is free program for conversion inches between all units of measurement and also converting any units of measure among themselves. Any transformations for units from next list in any direction:
Metric system - (kilometer, hectometer, decameter, meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter, [micrometer, micron], nanometer);
US Survey - (foot, link, [rod, perch, pole], chain, [furlong, stade], mile, league);
International system - (point, pica, inch, foot, yard, mile);
International nautical - (fathom, cable, nautical mile);
Astronomical units - (astronomical unit, light-second, light-minute, light-hour, light-day, light-year, parsec);
Different countries have different traditions and different ways of measuring quantities and sizes. The use of the program can be useful to quickly convert unfamiliar units of measure when purchasing goods, measuring lengths and dimensions or calculating other parameters of objects. The program is an extension of the web service http://inchpro.c

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