Job timer 4

Job Timer 4

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Just a small Time Keeper to keep track of time spent on a job. It also helps you figure out the cost and has a built in Invoice. Stores Customer Information. You can literally hit start, then when your done print an invoice. You also have a section for Timed Services. This will allow you to keep track of time on different services including their prices. You have the ability to add up more than one service. Includes a countdown timer, a Count Up Timer, Alarm, Break Alarms, Ergonomic Feature. You can view Project Reports, Daily Reports, Weekly or monthly Reports on the jobs that you have been working on, plus you can Manage your invoices, search by customer or job and see how much has been done for that customer or job. Tracks your invoices and lets you know when they are due. Times, Creates, Manages, Reports all aspects of your project even on a Network Download and Check out this new Version of Job Timer. You will find that it will be a great asset to your work day.

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