Jpg to word converter

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JPG to Word Converter is and incredibly powerful tool that can convert any JPG file to an editable word file. It has many features ranging from simple conversion to password protection of the converted files. The converter supports a vast array of over 40 different languages. Whats more, the converter corrects the orientation, rotation, skew and tilt of the input file by itself.

What makes JPG to Word Converter even more powerful is that not only it retains the original spacing and formatting of the input image file, it can also recognize the spacing and fonts and format the document accordingly. The user wont have to type in the text in the image file. All one needs to do is to give the image file to the converter and it will take care of the rest.
The people wondering if the converter can support any other language other than English are in luck. This converter supports over 40 different languages! The converter can recognize and edit English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, UK En

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