Justresizeit free

JustResizeIt free

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Resize your images quickly and easily with one drag and drop
1.) Drag and drop one or more images into JustResizeIt!
2.) let it resize, and
3.) drag and drop the resized images into an e-mail, office document or a folder

Digital cameras shoot images with many megapixels. This is necessary for good printouts, but makes it difficult to enjoy them on digital devices. The many megapixels are too heavy for e-mail, Web, mobile phones and tablets. The resizing effort is often too large. Your best moments remain archived somewhere on the hard disk. That is not to be.

With JustResizeIt! it is very simple. Drag images to widgets. The image size is automatically resized. You have defined the size and quality for each purpose in advance. The images are now portable.

You can create widgets that define how the images will be resized. Create as many widgets as you want - one for each of your resizing needs. For example, you can create a widget for sending photos in mail with a maximum size of 800

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