Linkviewer bot

Linkviewer bot

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Auto view LinkedIn profiles with Windows bot!

This windows application bot will help you to auto view LinkedIn profiles, filtered by keywords or by any other way.

People from stated keywords/filters will see that you viewed their profile and may visit your LinkedIn profile in return, this way you can get a lot of traffic to your LinkedIn profile from targeted people.

You can visit LinkedIn profiles on autopilot with SINGLE CLICK!
Highly recommended!

This bot was made to help you with LinkedIn activity.

Forget about annoying manual profile viewing!

Automate it!

linkviewer 1.9
Main Features of the bot:

NEW! Supports advanced LinkedIn filtering (by search links).

Unlimited number of keywords to set.

Unlimited number of profiles to view.

Set number of profiles to view inside the bot.

Set LinkedIn username and password inside the bot.

Set the keywords inside the bot.

The bot will scrape minimum 100 profiles for each keywo