Luxena informix data access components

Luxena Informix Data Access Components

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Luxena Informix Data Access Components highlights

This component set provides interaction between VCL (Delphi/C++Builder) based applications and Informix database server. IDAC is based on the native Informix Client API. This ensures excellent performance and reliability. IDAC is very good BDE and ADO alternative.

Luxena Informix Data Access Components benefits

Features and Benefits
well-known BDE-like interface - with familiar set of components, such as Query, Table, UpdateSQL, etc. Every component has BDE-like usage
no BDE, ADO or dbExpress - using IDAC, there is no need to use any intermediate layer (with its own bugs) to work with Informix
full data type support - allows you to work with any data type provided by Informix database server including new data types of 9.xx family (BLOB/CLOB, LVARCHAR etc.)
connection pool and SQL cache - comprehensive features destinied to increase performance of application servers and standalone applications
advanced development - Object Pasc

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