M-files professional (64-bit)

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M-Files® helps you organize, find and track the documents of your business in a centralized manner. Users see the document vault as a virtual disk drive on their computers!


* Integrates with Windows Explorer - instantly familiar to everyone.

* The document repository appears as a virtual disk drive.

* Direct opening and saving from all Windows applications.

* Supports all file types, including Office, PDF and CAD files.


* Check-out and check-in operations eliminate the problems of simultaneous changes.

* Preserves old versions automatically.

* Records a change log with user names, timestamps and comments.


* Find documents instantly by typing words in the search box.

* High-performance index of file contents and metadata.

* Dynamically view documents in any hierarchical structure you choose.

* Make the same document appear in multiple folders without creating copies.


* Re

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