address validator

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Enables .NET applications to verify bulks of e-mail addresses for correct syntax or existence. Validation levels include RegEx check, DNS MX lookup query, SMTP connection and test send attempt without actual sending a message. , can take data from string array, DataTable or MS SQL database. Multi-pass, tolerates greylisting.

Written in 100% managed C# code. Can be used in desktop, console, and ASP.NET applications developed in C#, VB.NET and other .NET languages. Supports .NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/4.6 (including Client Profile), both 32-bit and 64-bit. Also supports Xamarin (Mono on Linux, iOS, Android).

- 'async/await' methods for building scalable and responsive applications
- Massively multi-threaded for better performance (can process hundreds of thousands of addresses).
- SMTP PIPELINING and DNS caching for even better performance.
- Can process single addresses, string array of addresses, DataTable or IDataReader (such as to process data from MS SQL Server).
- Dynamic

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