Mcleaner(sms/call reject) for iphone

MCleaner(sms/call reject) for iPhone

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MCleaner for iPhone is a firewall software, which can reject the incoming call and SMS, it's easy to use and good for you when you are busy now, constantly in important meetings or discussions. The set-up is very simple, and you will get rid of all the unwanted incoming calls and SMS.
(1)SMS/MMS filter
Its supports SMS/MMS/wap push/wap bookmark filters, with an omni-directional filtration mechanism.It keeps users free from junk SMS, with a combination of

five filter options information, covering whitelist, blacklist, mobile phone address list, service information, unknown information etc.
(2)incoming call rejection
It keeps users free from unwanted incoming call, with a combination of five filter options information, covering whitelist, blacklist, PH. book, number

unobtainable, unknown incoming call, etc. For incoming calls rejected, it has four settings, such as "Phone Busy", " Mute Ring", "Busy and Reply SMS", or

"Divert Calls to", etc, so as to enable users to reject unwante