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MCNelectron is an open-source code for single-event Monte Carlo simulation of coupled electron-photon transport. MCNelectron uses ENDF/B-VII.1 library data (they are not included in the MCNelectron distribution package and must be downloaded from the National Nuclear Data Center, using the links provided in the MCNelectron user manual). MCNelectron implements constructive solid geometry on regions bounded by planes, spheres, circular cylinders and circular one-sheet cones. There are two versions of MCNelectron: the CPU-only version and the version with CUDA support (MCNelectron_CUDA). MCNelectron_CUDA can perform the so-called 'hybrid' computations, when both the central processing unit (CPU) and Nvidia graphics processing units (GPU) are employed in parallel.

MCNelectron allows replacement of ENDF/B inner-shell impact ionization cross sections and differential cross sections of elastic scattering by more accurate datasets, which are also used in the PENELOPE code system. Without thos