Mdaemon to outlook 2013

MDaemon to Outlook 2013

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The conversion tool converts emails from MDaemon to Outlook 2013 in two methods. First one is – a) in Single User Mailbox method, go with “Single MDaemon Mailbox” option of the MDaemon to Outlook 2013 converter. In this way, the tool creates a single PST file for all MDaemon files. And the second one is – b) collect all MDaemon Mailboxes which you want to convert and go with “Multiple Mailboxes” option. In this method, MDaemon to Outlook 2013 tool creates a separate PST file for each MDaemon Mailbox. By this, the tool helps you to access easier. This tool doesn’t convert the email attachment formats, just transfers them from one mail client to the other mail client with the same format. The MDaemon to Outlook 2013 converter doesn’t modify emails meta data and properties, it converts only emails contents. It preserves the initial folder architecture during conversion. It doesn’t require to install MDaemon mail client but requires to install MS Outlook 2013. To get the licensed variant o