Microsoft practice exam 70-504

Microsoft Practice Exam 70-504

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Free practice exam for Microsoft exam 70-504 (70 504). Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Workflow.

Our online Microsoft practice exams are freely available on our website for everyone. The exams target the following Microsoft certifications - MCPD, MCTS, MCITP, MCSA and MCP. Our free online Microsoft practice exams are written by our team of software professionals who have worked with Microsoft technologies for over 15 years.

The questions are specifically selected to provide a practice exam that aids your Microsoft training. Each exam consists of 20 random questions selected from a pool of 50+ questions!

Exam Covers:

Creating and Hosting Workflows (14 percent)
Create state machine workflows.
Create sequential workflows.
Select workflow authoring mode.
Host a workflow and designer in an application.
Initialize and manage the workflow life cycle.
Modify a workflow at runtime.

Communicating with Workflows (23 percent)
Handle events from the host.
Call methods on the host.
Consume serv

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