Modbus rtu ascii tcp slave simulator

Modbus RTU ASCII TCP Slave Simulator

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Sanprof Modbus Slave Simulator - is a powerful tool to simulate PLC slave device. Start testing and programming of your PLC master device now, before you will have a real PLC slave device.
Some of the main features of Sanprof Modbus Slave Simulator

Supports functions are 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 15, 16.
Saving the state of the registers modbus memory to a file and load them back.
Select cells registers with different colors.
View of multiple registers modbus memory in the form of value types such as INT, WORD, DINT, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, the values of these registers can be viewed as a Decimal, HEX and Binary, it concerns the modbus registers memory 'Holding Registers' and 'Input Registers '.
There is a possibility of working with 255 devices.
Detailed interpretation of the incoming/outgoing packets.
The range of each of the four modbus memory located within 1-65535.
Why should you use this software?

We work in the field of programming of PLC of devices a long time. After the

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