.net obfuscator ultimate

.NET Obfuscator Ultimate

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.NET Obfuscator Ultimate is .NET code protection tool to secure .NET assemblies. Obfuscation significantly aggravates reverse engineering and reduces its effectiveness.
Skater .NET Obfuscator is a comprehensive Ultimate solution for .NET application code protection. Skater .Net Obfuscator prevents ILDASM/ILASM (MSIL disassembler and MSIL assembler) circuit clout technique. The breaking technique is based on injecting a piece of code into assembly that leads ILDASM to crash and inability to handle the assembly. Skater .NET Obfuscator reshuffles your .NET assemblies to the new build that is impossible to be understand, and unimaginable to decompile.
Control Flow Obfuscation. This method alters source code so that it becomes logically harder to understand, while residing logically equivalent.
During obfuscation a .NET assembly is converted into an equivalent .NET assembly that is more difficult to understand when decompiled. Some obfuscators use ILDASM to disassmble the assembly and then

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