Outlook repair kit

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Created for audiences comprised of novices and professionals in equal proportions, the program features a minimalistic interface with just a few controls used for file selection and navigation in the built-in step-by-step wizard. The core of Outlook Repair Kit leverages the power of several advanced algorithms to deliver excellent results even when the source file is damaged very seriously.

The efficiency of Microsoft Outlook.pst repair tooldoes not depend on the reason of file corruption, which can vary from a hard drive failure to an unexpected system power-off or a virus attack.

The current version of the program offers the following features:

Ultra-fast data recovery from *.PST files in the ANSII format of Microsoft Outlook versions 97, 98, 2000, 2002 and XP.
Ultra-fast data recovery from *.PST files in the Unicode format of Microsoft Outlook versions 2003, 2007 and 2010.
Output to a new PST file or a set of files of corresponding formats on the user's HDD
Possibility to specify

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