Parental control

Parental Control

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Did you know that all your surfing history is being recorded in secret hidden files on your PC? Is there pornography on your PC? Are you sure? Neteraser is a great parental control software that can scan and remove porn from your PC quickly and easily, our parental control software used an advanced algorithm to scan for any porn files on your PC, our neteraser parental control software uses a fast engine scan mechanism to quickly detect and scan porn files and unwanted images on your PC. Every website, files, movies, clips, documents, and anything else you viewed on your PC is recorded in secret hidden files on your hard drive. Did you also know that unwanted images, banners, pictures and content that exist on websites you visit, could be downloaded on your PC without your knowledge? Using our award winning Parental control software will ensure your PC is porn free. NetEraser Parental control will scan and detect porn images, porn files, porn sites, porn videos and any porn related fi

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