Quick calculate

Quick Calculate

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Recall the lovely (or bittersweet) memories of the mathematics classes in the old days in Quick Calculate, and you will know the stuff you learnt are indeed, awesome and fun. Your goal in this game is to solve the given equations as quickly as possible. You will be given an equation at each level of the game. You need to calculate the answer, then click the numbers below the equation or press the corresponding keys on your keyboard to enter the answer. You may click the Clear button to remove the current answer. Click the Submit button when you have finished. If your answer is correct, you will be given a score based on the amount of time you have spent as recorded at the bottom of the screen. If your answer is wrong, 1000 points will be deducted, and you need to find out the correct answer in order to proceed. Finish the test in lightning speed to retrieve your honor of the best student!

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