Really easy video brander

Really Easy Video Brander

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Here's How You Can Easily Brand Private Label And Resale Rights Video Sets With Your Own Name, Link And Ads - Without Doing Any Video Editing - Try It Now FREE! Put your name and link on every video. Put your own ad on every video (including photo). No need for complex/expensive video editing software. Quick and easy solution - no special skills needed. Brands videos in two seconds flat. Makes it easier for customers to use your videos.
Can also be used to create sample/promotional videos to promote your products and services - and if you operate an affiliate program, your affiliates can brand your videos with their affiliate ID, to earn commissions.
There are more and more video training sets being released on the Internet with Private Label Rights and/or Resale Rights.

That's because there is now a HUGE demand for videos, which can make it very profitable to sell them.

But to make the video set into your own product, you still need to personalize the videos.

And that usually means